Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What Does “Disabled” Mean for the SSD?

A bad accident could leave you more or less permanently unable to continue with your career, and your social security disability insurance is a safety net that protects you in such cases where you can be compensated. Nevertheless, for you to be eligible for this insurance, you should first meet a set of requirements, starting with whether or not you are in fact “disabled” in the first place.

No Substantial Gainful Work

Primarily, a disabled person should not be able to do any substantial work efficiently as a result of his injuries. The general rule this year (2014) is that you should not be able to get gainful employment with a salary of more than $1,070 a month. Anyone getting over this amount no longer qualifies as disabled.

Medical Records

Your medical records after your injuries should contain solid evidence of mental or physical impairment (such as long-term PTSD or permanent paralysis). Moreover, it should also show that the damage is such that you can no longer operate some of the basic motor skills needed to do your job.

Automatic Qualifications

Of course, there are also conditions that are known to be so severe, they automatically qualify you as disabled. Some of these include certain spinal disorders, fractures in the upper extremity, epilepsy, and autistic disorders, among others.


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