Monday, June 16, 2014

Possible Reasons for Social Security Appeals

You have the right to appeal the decision of the Social Security Administration. When you believe that you should have been approved for benefits or when you disagree with the amount granted, you can request the SSA to review your case. However, the appeal can only be processed if you send a timely, written request that states reasonable grounds and evidence--something you can do more effectively with the help of social security lawyers.
Here are some possible reasons for a social security appeal:

Impairment Classification
If your impairment was erroneously classified as “non-severe,” you can request the SSA to review your case. This request should be backed by medical records and physician statements that will clearly prove your condition meets the SSA’s criteria for “severe” impairments.

Review of Medical Evidence
When new medical evidence, such as diagnostic reports or scans, show that your disability significantly limits your ability to work, the SSA may reconsider. You can also appeal when the assessment of your case did not fully consider serious side effects of your medications.

Testimonies during Hearings

When the Administrative Law Judge did not give the appropriate weight to the statements of your main treating physician, the case can be reviewed. You may also appeal if the Vocational Expert’s testimony (that identifies the jobs you can do) was not based on the appropriate Residual Functional Capacity.


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